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Staff vaccination


COVID-19 staff vaccination program - CALHN

All CALHN staff are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The came into effect in March 2022.

This direction has been updated and means that staff can return to work after receiving at least one dose of TGA approved or recognised COVID-19 vaccine, along with providing evidence of a booking to receive their second and third dose upon return in accordance with the ATAGI intervals between doses.

Booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine

Staff become eligible for their booster dose at three months after completing their primary course of the COVID-19 vaccine (i.e., after their second dose for most individuals.) The date of your last primary course dose can be found on your vaccination certificate.

The booster is strongly encouraged to protect against the Omicron variant.

ATAGI has extended eligibility for a fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine (‘winter booster dose�) to include:

  • Adults aged 50 to 64 years are now recommended to receive a winter booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Adults aged 30 to 49 years can choose to receive a winter booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

The interval recommended between the first booster dose and a winter booster dose is now three months.

As per previous advice, people who have had recent confirmed COVID-19 infection should defer their next COVID-19 vaccine dose until three months from their positive result. .

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Where to get your booster

Staff can receive their free booster at a GP, pharmacy or by at any vaccination centre.

Vaccination for children aged 5 � 11 years

All South Australians aged 5 and over are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination.

Vaccination is the best way to reduce your child’s risk of becoming seriously unwell with COVID-19.

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends the paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11.

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We are pleased to advise that the CALHN vaccination program has reserved appointments for child household members of CALHN healthcare workers. Bookings are currently limited due to supply, but we are hoping to open up more to CALHN workforce as soon as more supply becomes available.

To book an appointment children must be:

  • aged 5 â€� 11 years and;
  • household members of a CALHN employee.

To .

Please do not share this link � it is for CALHN employees only. Staff ID will need to be presented at time of the appointment.

Which COVID-19 vaccine will I receive?

Four COVID-19 vaccines are currently available in Australia. The Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Novavax vaccines have met the extremely high safety standards set by the and have undergone the complete approval requirements.

The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is the ATAGI approved vaccine offered for the booster program. CALHN COVID-19 vaccination clinics offer the Pfizer vaccination.

Use of different COVID-19 vaccine brands to complete a primary course

ATAGI continues to recommend that, if available, the same COVID-19 vaccine brand should be used for the two doses of the primary vaccination course (ie dose one and two). However, new advice has been released that allows for an alternative brand to be used for the second dose in select circumstances including if a patient is unable to access or not accepting of a second dose of the same brand. This decision by ATAGI may present options for those staff that have not yet completed their primary course of COVID vaccine. Further information available .

For more information about vaccines, please see on the SA Health website.

Attending your vaccination appointment

Staff may be vaccinated during work time to receive their COVID-19 vaccination. However, it is expected that this occur in consultation with your manager to ensure service delivery and patient safety is not compromised.

There may be mild side effects after having the vaccine. Consideration should therefore be given to booking an appointment at the end of a shift, ahead of the weekend or on a day off.

If you make appointment to be vaccinated when you are not rostered or scheduled to work, then you are not considered to be ‘on duty� for the vaccination.

For questions or queries

For any other questions regarding CALHN staff vaccination program please email [email protected]

More information

Non-compliance with emergency management direction - COVID-19 patient pathway staff vaccination

  • Employee form -

Other information

  • SA Health
  • SA Health has also released some

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