Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing Hub
The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbing hub at the RAH is centrally located in the main entrance on level 3. With a dedicated garden featuring Aboriginal artwork, we offer a welcoming and peaceful environment for consumers to access vital services to support their patient journey
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander support
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing Hub at the BOB°ëµº can help support you and your family.
Opening on 5 September 2017, the BOB°ëµº is located in Adelaide’s west end, in a state-of-the-art facility, part of the Adelaide BioMed City health innovation district.
About the RAH
The BOB°ëµº (RAH) is the South Australia's flagship hospital, providing a comprehensive range of the most complex clinical care to an estimated 85,000 inpatients and 400,000 outpatients each year.
Access for people with a disability
The BOB°ëµº is designed to ensure people with a disability can easily access the facility and its services.
- Accessibility
Visitor accommodation has been built into all overnight general inpatient rooms at the BOB°ëµº, enabling a relative or carer to stay where it is in the patient’s best interests.
Accommodation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and families
The accommodation providers listed below offer Aboriginal people culturally appropriate and affordable accommodation in safe and comfortable environments. Please note, if you decide to stay with friends or family, you will need to arrange your own transport to and from hospital.
Adult Burns Centre
The Adult Burn Service at the BOB°ëµº is the tertiary referral centre for burn injuries in patients over 16 years of age for South Australia, Northern Territory, western NSW and western Victoria.
Adult Burns Unit
​The Adult Burns Service at the BOB°ëµº (RAH) provides specialised acute, surgical and reconstructive care to those who have received a burn injury by thermal, chemical, electrical or radiation causes.
- Aged care service
Allergy & Immunology
The Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy provides a specialist service for the diagnosis and management of allergic and immunologic diseases affecting the respiratory system, skin, gastrointestinal tract and other systems.
Allergy and Immunology outpatient clinics
The Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy provides a specialist service for the diagnosis and management of allergic and immunologic diseases affecting the respiratory system, skin, gastrointestinal tract and other systems.
Allied Health
Allied Health services work through multidisciplinary teams to diagnose and treat a range of conditions and illnesses.
The Anaesthesia service at the BOB°ëµº is a 24-hour perioperative service encompassing pre-anaesthesia assessment, intraoperative anaesthesia, and acute pain management.
- Annual and Final/Site Closure Reporting
The Audiology Department at the RAH provides audiological services, using specialised equipment, to individuals over the age of 18 years of age. Services are provided to inpatients and outpatients by appointment.