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Is the emergency department the best place for you?

If not, there are other options

For Researchers and Sponsors


CALHN offers services for researchers seeking ethics and/or governance approval. Prior to the commencement of any human research activity in a public health organisation, researchers must obtain approval and authorisation from a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) and Research Governance Office (RGO). 

Ethics reviews consider the ethical acceptability and scientific validity, evaluating benefits and risks of the project to participants while governance reviews consider CALHN's responsibilities of managing the sites, quality, safety, privacy, risk, finances and ethical acceptability of the project.

CALHN Research Services promotes and encourages consumer partnership with all aspects of research, including assisting with identification of research priorities and quality improvement strategies.

Central Adelaide Local Health Network has partnered with ClinTrial Refer to communicate our current clinical trials. Finding an available clinical trial at the BOB°ëµº or The Queen Elizabeth Hospital is now quick and easy. ClinTrial Refer is free to download and use by healthcare professionals, patients and carers. Visit or download the mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

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Want to work at one of Australia’s most advanced healthcare facilities? Apply now to join a truly world-class health network and see where your next career move could take you.

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