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Patients & Visitors
Conditions, services and clinics
Medical conditions
- Aged care service
- Allergy and Immunology outpatient clinics
- Bone & joint conditions
- Brain & nerve conditions
- Brain function
- Adult Burns Unit
- Chronic disease (MACS)
- Clinical Genetics
- Diabetes, gland & hormone disease
- Drug & Alcohol issues
- Ear, nose & throat conditions
- Emergency care
- Eye & vision problems
- High Risk Foot
- Heart conditions
- Infectious diseases
- Intensive care unit
- Joint, muscle & soft tissue diseases
- Liver, stomach & intestinal diseases
- Long COVID Assessment Clinic
- Mental illness
- Metabolism, gland or hormone disorders
- Pain Management Unit
- Radiation Oncology (Radiotherapy)
- Renal
- Rheumatology
- Skin, scalp, hair & nail diseases
- Women's health conditions
- Having surgery
Care and support
- Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing Hub (The Hub)
- Arts in health
- Bracing & artificial limbs
- COVID Care Centre
- Hearing
- Interpreters and cultural support
- Mental health & wellbeing
- Organ & tissue donation
- Palliative & supportive services
- Physiotherapy
- Rehabilitation
- Social work and counselling
- Speech, communication & swallowing
- Spiritual Care
- Wellness services
Medical conditions
Coming to / visiting hospital
- Finding your way around
- Hospital map
- Transport and parking
- Visiting and visiting hours
- Outpatient appointments
- Interpreters and cultural support
- What to bring
- Access for people with a disability
- Accommodation
- Freedom of information
- Rights and responsibilities
- Private and public patients
- No smoking
- Medication
- Overseas patients
- Parking fines
- Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
While you are here
- Banks and ATMs
- Compliments and complaints
- Food, drinks and shops
- Gardens and outdoor areas
- Hospital rooms
- Identification bands
- Internet and telephones
- Interpreters and cultural support
- Justice of the Peace
- Newspapers and magazines
- Privacy
- Social work and counselling
- Patient Bedside Entertainment
- Volunteer support
- Leaving hospital
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander support
- Rural and remote patient support
- The Hospital Research Foundation Group � Creative Health
- Interpreters and cultural support
- Mental Health Care
- Disability support and services
- Emergencies
- External accommodation options near the BOB°ëµº
- Accommodation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and families
Conditions, services and clinics
Health Professionals
Clinical Services
- Allergy & Immunology
- Cardiology service
- Chronic disease
- Clinical Genetics
- Dermatology
- Diabetes and Endocrinology
- Drug & Alcohol Consultant Liaison Service
- Endocrine & metabolic service
- Gastroenterology, liver and hepatology
- General Medicine
- Geriatric Medicine
- Haematology
- Infectious Diseases
- Neurology
- Ophthalmology
- Pelvic Mesh Clinic
- Radiation Oncology (Radiotherapy)
- Rheumatology
- Spinal
- Adult Burns Centre
- Surgical Breast and Endocrine Outpatient Services
- Cardiothoracic Service
- Colorectal surgery
- Craniofacial surgery
- Gastrointestinal surgery
- Gynaecology oncology
- Hepatobiliary surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedic clinic - Foot and ankle
- Orthopaedic clinic - Hand and upper limb
- Orthopaedic clinic - Hip and knee
- Orthopaedic clinic - Musculoskeletal tumour
- Trauma, general surgery & surgical oncology
- Urology
- Vascular surgery
- Renal and transplantation
- Critical Care Services
- Allied Health
- Support Services
- GP Integration Unit
- Outpatients
Clinical Services
- Support Us
- About
- For Research Participants
For Researchers and Sponsors
- CALHN HREC Submissions
- Research Governance
- Clinical Trial Submissions
- Low Risk Project Submissions
- Post Approval Monitoring and Reporting
- Clinical Trial Facilities
- Education and Training
- Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement and Audit Activities
Grants and Awards
- CRIPS and Prof John Beltrame AM / CEO Innovation Awards
- CALHN Allied and Scientific Health, Pharmacy and Nursing Grant
- Dawes Scholarship (Full scholarship and top-up scholarship)
- Honours Scholarship
- Simpson Prize for Cancer Research
- The Florey Fellowship
- Early Career Research Fellowship
- HSCGB funding for research
- Research Finance
- PARC Clinical Research
- Investigator Site File Document Templates
- CALHN Research Governance Structure
- Research News
- Contact CALHN Research Services
- National Clinical Trials Governance Framework
- Careers
- Contact
- COVID-19 information for CALHN staff