Research governance addresses the protection of research participants, investigators and staff, the safety and quality of research, privacy and confidentiality, financial probity, legal and regulatory matters, risk management and monitoring arrangement to promote good research culture and practice. It is a framework through which institutions are accountable for the research they allow to be conducted under their auspices. Prior to commencing a research study at CALHN, research governance authorisation must be obtained in addition to Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) approval.
Applications are submitted and reviewed via the Site Specific Assessment (SSA) form.
Please note the Governance Framework and Guideline above is currently being updated, for further information or clarification, please contact the Research Governance Office via email at [email protected].
Research GEMS
SA Health has implemented a new research application management system called Research Governance and Ethics Management System (Research GEMS) to replace Online Forms for submission of HREA and SSA applications. GEMS user guides are available  and below.
For further information, contact CALHN Research Services on 08 7117 2228, or via email at [email protected]